Personal Disaster Series

The unstickler’s
guide to handling a
life crisis
A message from ‘The Unstickler’
A life crisis means you might be alone and without help.
It’s one of the worst feelings you can experience – like those movies where someone is floating in the ocean alone, just waiting for the sharks to arrive.
Well, I want to fly down and sweep you out of the ocean!
Wherever you are in your life, I want to help you create your own rescue plan.
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The ideas and suggestions provided on this website and the related platforms and publications are not intended as a substitute for seeking professional guidance. The information presented is the author’s opinion and does not constitute health or medical advice. The content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. The author does not render professional advice or services to the reader.
This information is not for emergency situations.
© 2024 The Unstickler
The ideas and suggestions provided on this website and the related platforms and publications are not intended as a substitute for seeking professional guidance. The information presented is the author’s opinion and does not constitute health or medical advice. The content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. The author does not render professional advice or services to the reader.
This information is not for emergency situations.
© 2024 The Unstickler